If you struggle with depression, you’re not alone. More than 320 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Your symptoms may be overt or masked and may impact your decision making, professional life and personal relationships.
Unfortunately, prescription antidepressants and SSRIs have become the all-too- common treatment for symptoms of depression, despite the fact that the U.S Food and Drug Administration now requires a black box warning on certain antidepressants because of their association with suicidal thoughts on behaviors. In addition, many patients find that they cannot discontinue their medications without severe side effects. More shocking is the discovery that many of the studies are actually funded by the drug manufacturers who have a vested financial interest in the research results.
Our goal is short term relief, a long-lasting path to address the causes of your depression, and to provide you with a new mindset.
At the Miletic Center, we know that a pill may provide short term relief, but it is not a true solution and does not address the causes that created your pain. We know that not every person with depression is the same and that we must understand what is going on in your mind and body if we are going to put an effective treatment plan in place.
Our goal is both short term relief and a long-lasting path to address the causes of your depression, both to deliver you from it and to provide you with a new mindset. There is relief in sight for you, often without a long-term reliance on prescription drugs and without the unwanted side effects many experience.