Always feeling lesser than – what you want to feel about yourself, what you think others are… a constant feeling of inadequacy. Related to feelings of shame… humiliation, mortification, embarrassment, insecurity, are all branches that emerge from shame. Shame is the opposite of self esteem… feeling the competency of achievement or accomplishment …
Building self esteem – parenting: How parents can help to build self esteem in their children; helicopter / lawnmower (snowplow) parenting styles; parents step in to protect their children from stressful situations… which robs the child of the experience of mitigating frustration; the immediate response is relief, but the long term result is the message that the child is not capable of handling it, and then, actually do not build the skills to overcome these stressors. Fosters a sense of inadequacy, avoidance, incompetence… they equate frustrating situations with self-inadequacy … robbing the child of grit, perseverance, and the strength to overcome obstacles. Strength comes from struggle - you can be with them in the struggle, without doing it for them. It manifests itself in the child as video gaming, dope smoking, drinking and other avoidance techniques to withdraw from difficult or challenging situations.